Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Governor Huckabee Endorses Dr. Charles Thompson

Charles Thompson

For Congress 2010
Little Rock, AR – Governor Mike Huckabee issued the following statement about Charles Thompson:

“Huck PAC and I are pleased to support Charles Thompson for Congress, from Oklahoma’s 2nd Congressional District. Charles served our country honorably in the United States Army for over two decades.

As a small business owner, Charles successfully operated a veterinary hospital, and understands the difficulties facing small business owners. Charles is adamantly opposed to government-run healthcare, TARP, Cap & Trade and the bailouts.

Charles Thompson shares our conservative values, like the sanctity of life and traditional marriage between one man and one woman. An ardent supporter of the 2nd amendment, Charles is also a longtime member of the National Rifle Association.

Please join me in supporting Charles Thompson, and let’s send him to Congress.” 

Press Release: Dr. Thompson Questions Microstamping Bill

For Immediate Release:
Contact: Anna Bavido
Charles Thompson for Congress
Twitter: @Thompson4D2

Dr. Thompson Questions Micro-Stamping Bill

(Muskogee, OK) October 25th, 2010---Dr. Charles Thompson, conservative candidate for Oklahoma’s 2nd Congressional District, has serious questions about H.R 5667. The bill was authored by Rep. Dan Boren. It commissions Attorney General Eric Holder to study the feasibility of microstamping firearms.

“Boren keeps reassuring everyone that this bill is the complete opposite of what it appears to be, but I’m not buying it” said Dr. Thompson Monday.  “We already know microstamping is a bad idea—why spend the taxpayer’s money and risk AG Holder coming to an erroneous conclusion?”

Microstamping is, according to the National Rifle Association, the process in which a gun’s firing pin has a code engraved on it.  In theory, it will then imprint this code onto each bullet fired.  Proponents say it will allow police to better solve crimes.  Opponents say it is a form of gun registration.

“There is no doubt that microstamping would be an infringement on our 2nd Amendment rights.  With this fact in mind, what other argument would we need?  Is the Constitution of the United States not defense enough?” said Dr. Thompson.

Feasibility studies are usually commissioned as an early step in the planning process.  They provide planners with budget estimates and a calculation of the plan’s impact.  The NRA points out on its website three studies that “microstamping repeatedly failed”.

“If microstamping has already done poorly in tests, why give it another try?” continued Dr. Thompson.  “Furthermore, why give a liberal crony of Obama’s the opportunity to spin the statistics towards a gun control agenda?  H.R. 5667 is just another example, like his vote to adjourn without extending tax cuts, where Boren acts like a Washington liberal, but tries to hide it with slick talking that mocks true conservatism.  Boren is certainly not listening if he thinks the people of the 2nd District will fall for this invasion on their 2nd Amendment rights.”

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Monday, October 25, 2010

Volunteer Newsletter 10/22/10

Campaign News
We have purchased our traditional media advertising. We will have TV and radio spots! The cable advertising was more than we had expected. Praise God, we dis have enough, but it took some of the money budgeted for newspaper and Facebook ads. If you can, please give again and designate it for either Facebook or newspaper ads.
The big signs are here! We have them divided by county. Contact either your Republican county chair or Charley Williams if you have a high traffic spot that needs some Thompson decor.

Halloween is just a week away. We would like to encourage you to hand out Thompson push cards with your candy to trick-r-treaters. Let us know if you need more materials. Also, if you dress up as Boren, Obama, or Pelosi, please send us a picture. ;)

Look What We Did!

Dr. Thompson was on the radio twice!

We attended 6 different campaing events, including fundraisers, candidate forums, and caravans all over the state including Monkey Island, Claremore, Ft. Gibson, Tahlequah, McAlester, Muskogee, Holdenville, Proctor, & Eufalua.

Letters-to-the-editor about this race were published in Tahlequah, Tulsa World, Muskogee Phoenix, and from there blasted over the big world of the internet. Thank you so much for writing those!

And a lot of other stuff. Good things are happening at such a pace that they're hard to keep track of--praise God!

Coming Up

Wild Hog Days in Durant on Saturday, October 23rd.

Tea Party in OKC on Sunday, October 24th.

1 WEEK UNTIL ELECTION DAY! on Tuesday, October 26th.

Interview on KWOM out of Bartlesville on Tuesday, October 26th.

Senior Citizen Luncheon in Salina on Tuesday, October 26th.

American Legion Luncheon in McAlester on Tuesday October 26th.

Craig County GOP meeting on Thursday, October 28th.

Keep up-to-date on events on our website "Events" tab!
Final Thought
Tina Gross' letter to the Muskogee Phoenix said: "Constituents of the 2nd District of Oklahoma have a choice for a strong constitutional conservative this year and that man is Dr. Charles Thompson, retired major and DVM from Hulbert.
Charles is a lifelong Oklahoman who will be a true citizen legislator and not a pawn of Nancy Pelosi.

Charles has been a small businessman in Fort Gibson who knows hard work, retiring a major with the Army after 25 years of service.
He strongly supports securing our borders, no more out of control spending that jepordizes our future and believes our Constitution has the “final say on government for the people, “not making the rules up as they go” ... Dan Boren, we want a man who will not miss over 100 votes this last term, who will lead and represent us on the floor of the House not follow Pelosi more than 80 percent of the time and then turn around and say that means he’s listening to us!
Dr. Thompson has been endorsed by U.S. Sen. Tom Coburn and will bring that same conservative voice to the U.S. Congress!

He’s not politically correct, he’s PATRIOTically correct for Oklahoma!"

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Volunteer Newsletter 10/16/10

Campaign News

State Senator Randy Brogdon endorses Dr. Charles Thompson for Congress! The Thompson team greatly admires Sen. Brogdon's commitment and passion for the expansion of freedom. His endorsement is truly an honor!

Press Release: Dr. Charles Thompson Denied Debates: Dan Boren refuses to debate Dr. Thompson. This is not fair to the voters of the 2nd District. We need to be able to seriously compare the candidates---Boren knows his faults would be too obvious, so he denies us the chance to compare!

Statement from Chairman Pinnell: Matt Pinnell, chairman of the state Republican Party issued this statement about Boren's lack of cooperation regarding debates.
Billboards are up! And we are already getting positive feedback from them! If you drive past one, pull over & snap your picture in front of it. We'll post it on Facebook!

Look What We Did!

Dr. Thompson did 3 interviews. Watch the Muskogee Phoenix, Tulsa Today, & OKforTea for these articles & interviews.
We attended 6 community events in Wilburton, Durant, Tahlequah, McAlester, Broken Bow, Okmulgee, & Muskogee. Thank you, thank you to all the volunteers who made these events spectacular!
We continued to raise money! Special thanks go to Eddie Huff, Jerry & Jan Champion, and Jo Rainbolt for a successful fundraiser in Claremore!

Coming Up

Tea Party Express Tour on Saturday, October 16th. Bus will stop in Claremore, Tahlequah, Muskogee, and McAlester.
Robber's Cave Festival in Wilburton on Saturday, October 16th
Turkey Shoot at GOP HQ in Tahlequah Sunday, October 17th
Fundraiser in Ft. Gibson on Monday, October 18th
Senior Citizen's luncheon in Salina, on Tuesday, October 19th
Voter Education Forum in Eufalua on Tuesday, October 19th
Meet & Greet in Holdenville on Wednesday, October 20th
Interview with Dave Talle on KWXC 88.0 at noon on Thursday, October 21st. Call in! 918-854-3596
Candidate forum in Proctor on Thursday, October 21st
Meet & Greet at Monkey Island on Thursday, October 21st
Hot Air Balloon Festival in Poteau on Friday, October 22nd
Veteran's Meeting in Claremore, on Friday, October 22nd

Final Thought

We ask a lot of our volunteers and you have answered time and time again, "YES!" You are truly a heaven-sent blessing! You have given your time, your money, opened up your homes, and put miles on your cars. But the most important thing you have given us is your prayers. If someone could only do 1 thing for the campaign, we would ask them to pray. Prayer is the most effective and powerful weapon in this campaign, as it is in all of life. Please consider this newsletter to be a prayer list. Thank God for each person that has helped the campaign this past week. Pray for the people who are reading the news releases. Pray for each event listed. And of course pray for Charles and Aprill and their family as they give everything they've got to these final weeks. Pray, pray, PRAY!

Sen. Brogdon Endorses Dr. Charles Thompson

Contact: Anna Bavido
Charles Thompson for Congress
Facebook: Charles Thompson for Congress
Twitter: @Thompson4D2

Randy Brogdon Issues Endorsement of Charles Thompson for U.S. Congress OK-D2

(Owasso, OK) 14 Oct. 2010 – Oklahoma State Senator, and former Oklahoma Gubernatorial candidate, Randy Brogdon has endorsed Charles Thompson over Dan Boren in the upcoming general election on November 2nd to represent the citizens of Eastern Oklahoma’s 2nd. U.S. Congressional District.

Mr. Brogdon, who ran a text-book grassroots campaign in his bid for the Republican nomination in the Oklahoma Governor’s race stated: “I have had the opportunity to speak with and to get to know Charles during this campaign, I truly feel that Charles Thompson will represent the conservative values and the conservative nature of the citizens of Eastern Oklahoma far better than his opponent. Thompson’s opponent has an established record of voting for government expansion and increasing federal spending that Charles will stand firmly against”.

Brogdon, known nationally as “…a champion for state’s Rights” and for his efforts and desire to restore constitutional adherence to governance also remarked: “I believe that Charles Thompson will also work to curtail and even repeal federal intrusions into functions that are supposed to be the purview of the state. He knows that the 9th and 10th Amendments are just as important as the rest of the Bill of Rights…and they MEAN what they SAY”.

Mr. Brogdon went on to describe the OK-D2 race as: “Every U.S. Congressional seat is important…very important…and those we choose to represent us should earn our vote, not expect it. Charles Thompson is working to earn your vote while his opponent refuses open public forums and open debate with Charles. I know who I would prefer in this instance, and it’s not the career-politician that expects your vote…I prefer Charles Thompson.”

Thompson said that he was “honored to receive Senator Brogdon’s endorsement. He is someone who supports a return to our founding principles regardless of whether it is his campaign, his district, or technically his fight. I am extremely grateful for his support of my campaign.”

The general election will be held on November 2, 2010 with voting registration closing on October 8. Absentee ballot application deadline is Oct. 27 and early voting is Oct. 29, 30, and Nov. 1.

# # #

Statement from Chairman Pinnell

Boren Refusing Debates, Running from Record
For Immediate Release-10/13/10

(OKLAHOMA CITY) Oklahoma Republican Party Chairman Matt Pinnell released the following statement today in response to Dan Boren’s continued refusal to debate Dr. Charles Thompson:
“Boren’s refusal to debate Dr. Charles Thompson is one more example of Oklahoma Democratic candidates’ ducking and running this election cycle. Voters in the 2nd District deserve to hear from these two party nominees. Unfortunately, Dan Boren doesn’t want to answer questions about his voting record.

“As U.S. Senator Tom Coburn noted in his endorsement of Dr. Thompson, we have in Charles a candidate with real world experience outside of professional politics, something that is so desperately needed to change the way Washington works.

“I’m calling on Dan Boren today to buck up, answer the tough questions, and give the 2nd District the debate that they rightly deserve.” ###

Dr. Charles Thompson Denied Debates

For Immediate Release:
Contact: Anna Bavido
Charles Thompson for Congress
Facebook: Charles Thompson for Congress
Twitter: @Thompson4D2

Dr. Charles Thompson Denied Debates

(Muskogee, OK) October 11th, 2010---Charles Thompson, Republican candidate for Oklahoma’s 2nd Congressional District, announced today that incumbent Dan Boren has refused multiple public and private requests for a public debate.

“I have asked Rep. Boren personally, to his face, for a debate and received an evasive answer” said Thompson. “I have contacted both his field offices and his Washington office at least three times myself to start arrangements for a debate” said Thompson Wednesday. “His offices have been very polite, but the bottom line is that Boren will not participate in anything remotely resembling a debate. To me, this says that either he’s running scared of my conservative message or he simply does not care what the citizens of his district think.”

Boren has turned down any invitations to a public forum at which Thompson might be present. He has even quit having live town hall meetings. He has conducted conference telephone calls with constituents who signed up before hand, but these had no set time or date and not everyone who signed up was able to participate.

Boren’s regular absences from District and campaign events have drawn attention even outside the district. State Senator Randy Brogdon, who resides in the 1st Congressional District, commented that “those we choose to represent us should earn our vote, not expect it. Charles Thompson is working to earn your vote while his opponent refuses open public forums and open debate with Charles.”

“I wanted to have three public, well-promoted debates in Muskogee, Durant, and Grove. Rep. Boren simply won’t cooperate” continued Thompson. “I think a candidate’s openness is an important issue to remember when we vote in the general election.”

2nd District voters will make their decision on November 2nd, about 3 weeks from now.

# # #

Volunteer Newsletter 10/8/10

Campaign News

Senator Coburn endorses Dr. Charles Thompson for 2nd Congressional District! We are so excited about this endorsement! Come January there will be a Dr. No in the Senate and a Dr. No in the House!

Michael Bates wrote a blog about the District 2 race. That photo editing is pretty sharp!

We gained our 100th fan on Facebook! Chase Kime gets a gold star! Since then we've added 15 more fans. Go team!

Precinct walking is in full swing! Reply to this email with your precinct number and we will get you materials and a list. Despite all our technological advances, this is still the most effective method of campaigning!

Campaign HQ has its own phone number now. 918-577-6915 Write it down, save it in your phone, and call us for anything you need!

Look What We Did!

We had 2 meet & greets: Thank you Claremore (Jo Rainbolt, Joyce Dermody, Julie Dermody, Ted & Dee Jones, Anna Bavido, & Bill Flanagan!), Coalgate (Kim Strong), and Salina (Charlie and Jo Williams) supporters! Pictures here.

We were at 4 different community events on Saturday alone! We were at the Holdenville Fall Festival, Deer Festival in Antlers, Chickasaw parade in Tishimingo, and Settler's Day in Muldrow.

Throughout the week we did another 4 community events! Which included Ducks Unlimited in Poteau, GOP meeting in Miami, a visit at New Life Ranch, and A Chocolate Affair in Claremore.

We used up 10,000 push cards! That's just Aprill's estimate from how many boxes she emptied supplying supporters and at events she attended. So, that is the smallest, most conservative estimate. Keep handing them out---we'll get more as we need them!

Dr. Thompson was on the radio twice! 1240 AM out of Okmulgee and 1170 AM out of Tulsa.

I missed out on a lot of volunteer names this week. Please, please send me pictures and names after each event you go to! If you or your event was omitted it was from ignorance, not indifference!

Coming Up
Outdoor Sportsmen Event in Poteau on October 9th
Chouteau Day in Salina on October 9th. We will have a booth and be in the parade
State Committee Meeting in Oklahoma City on October 9th
Get America Back Rally in Grove on October 9th
OctoberFest in Pryor on October 9th
"Pork Belongs on a Platter with BBQ Sauce & Not in Legislation" Fundraiser in Muskogee on October 9th
VFW Luncheon in Tahlequah on October 11th
Fundraiser in Claremore on October 12th
Rogers County Republican meeting in Claremore on October 14th
Tailgating on Highway 75 in Okmulgee on October 15th
Rogers County Republican Women's Luncheon in Claremore on October 15th
Also, look for an interview with Dr. Thompson in Tulsa Today and a press release on Boren's refusal to debate. You can always check thecalender on the website for more events.

Final Thought

This is Anna Bavido's recollection/paraphrase of something Dr. Thompson said in Claremore on Monday.

Our most powerful weapon, our most effective tool is our mouths. Word of mouth, face-to-face contact is more effective than advertising or being in the media. We HAVE to talk about this race everywhere we go. We have to break through our mental barriers and comfort zone and tell people that they have a choice in District 2. This is the only way to beat Dan Boren's name recognition.

Senator Coburn Endorses Dr. Charles Thompson

For Immediate Release:
Contact: Anna Bavido
Charles Thompson for Congress
Facebook: Charles Thompson for Congress
Twitter: @Thompson4D2

Senator Tom Coburn Endorses Dr. Charles Thompson

(Muskogee, OK) October 3rd, 2010---Senator Tom Coburn announced today his endorsement of Dr. Charles Thompson in Oklahoma’s 2nd District Congressional race. The senator said of Dr. Thompson that "As a proud military veteran with years of dedicated service to our country, a small business owner, and a veterinarian, he possesses valuable, real world experience outside of professional politics so desperately needed to change the way Washington works.”

The 2nd Congressional seat was held by Coburn from 1994 until he fulfilled his promise of self-imposed term limits in 2000. He earned high approval ratings both then as a representative and now as a senator from the 2nd District.

Dr. Thompson said he was honored by the announcement. “Senator Coburn's record speaks for itself. He is clearly one of the most constitutionally conservative Senators in the Congress today. I am grateful for his endorsement which clearly shows my conservatism and the fact that the incumbent democrat is vulnerable. I look forward to being Senator Coburn's counterpart in the House of Representatives and serving the people of the 2nd District.”

Senator Coburn also faces a general election battle, but already looks forward to the session starting in January. “Charles recognizes the serious problems we face as a nation and he will be an ally in the House of Representatives when it comes to upholding the Constitution, fighting wasteful spending, and holding career politicians accountable to the American people. His conservative values will best represent us in Congress… Please join me in voting for Dr. Charles Thompson for Congress on Election Day.”

2nd District voters will be able to cast their votes both for Senator Coburn and Dr. Thompson on November 2nd. They must be registered by October 8th in order to vote.

# # #

Volunteer Newsletter 10/1/10

Dear Supporters,

Welcome to the premier edition of the Charles Thompson for Congress Volunteer Newsletter! Its purpose is to keep you informed of the impact your hard work is having and of opportunities for all of us to continue to work hard. So, in these emails you will see...
pictures and descriptions of past events
list of upcoming events
latest campaign news and press releases
Please note that we are still working on the look of these emails, so please forgive the simple design. The content is good, which is what counts. The design is coming together, just not quickly enough for this email.

Campaign News

Press release on Boren's recovery-killing vote on Wednesday, September 29th. Please share this with your Facebook friends, forward to your favorite local reporter, or write letters-to-the-editor about it.

In case you haven't noticed, the campaign is going social! This is just another way for Dr. Thompson to hear what you have to say and more ways for you to share his conservative message with your contacts.
Facebook page: Charles Thompson for Congress
Twitter: Thompson4D2
YouTube: Thompson4D2
Flickr: Thompson4D2

Campaign HQ is open and ready to help you help Charles. Yard signs, walking lists, push cards, bumper stickers---whatever you need, they got it or can get it for you! They are at 1929 Betty Jane Lane in Muskogee and open 9-4 Monday through Friday. If you need something on a weekend call 918-683-2012 to set up an appointment.

If Muskogee is too far of a drive for you, contact your Republican county chair. We are keeping them supplied as best we can. Look up your county chair's info here.

Look What We Did!

We reminded people across the state and the nation that the way to fire Nancy Pelosi is to fire Dan Boren by visiting the RNC "Fire Nancy Pelosi" Bus Tour. Here are pictures from OKGOP and pictures on our Flickr.

We created YouTube videos. Thank you Julie Dermody, retired Lt. Colonel Rolly Griffith, and all the other fine citizens you see in the videos!

We walked in the Claremore homecoming parade and handed out flyers before the game. Thank you Ted Jones, Jo Rainbolt, Joshua Bavido, Anna Bavido, Jack Weyler, Josh Dermody, and Joanne Hines!

We hosted a fundraiser in Okmulgee. Thank you Martins for hosting and the many people who gave!

We attended the High Noon Club in OKC. Thank you Bob Dani, H&H Gun Range, and the great members of this group!

This is by no means everything! If you or your event was omitted it was from ignorance, not indifference! Please send to this address any events where the campaign was promoted and the names of the volunteers who helped! Pictures are more than welcome, too!

Coming Up

Fall Festival Parade in Holdenville on October 2nd
Old Settlers' Day in Muldrow on October 2nd
Chickasaw Parade in Tishimingo on October 2nd
Deer Festival in Antlers on October 2nd
Fundraiser in Coalgate on October 2nd
Meet & Greet in Claremore on October 4th
GOP meeting in Miami on October 5th
Meet & Greet in Salina on October 6th
Ducks Unlimited Banquet in Poteau on October 7th
A Chocolate Affair in Claremore on October 7th
There is a full calender under the events tab on the website. If there's something we're missing, please let us know! We can't make every event, but we can sure try!

Final Thought

Jim Martin posted this on the Facebook page. "I love our National Anthem. I love the shameless way tears appear in the eyes of our military as they mourn those who have made the supreme sacrifice. I still feel the burning tears and lump in my throat when we were awaken by the National Anthem being played by Okmulgee's High School Band on the morning after 9/11. Tears of pain for our country’s terrible loss, and yet tears of pride for what this country is all about. I love that I been able to visit nearly all 50 states, and learned that in spite of regional accents, there is one word that everyone says the same, GOD. I love my God and the teaching of my church. I love my country, wife and kids. I love those who wear an American Flag Pin with pride and honor, without worrying about offending some country or group who would in turn destroy us if given the chance. I love that there are men and women of faith with strong conservatives principles, who believe as we do. God Bless America, and my friend Major Thompson!"---Jim Martin

Statement on Boren's Vote to Kill Economic Recovery


Contact: Anna Bavido -- 918-933-2303
Charles Thompson for Congress
Facebook: Charles Thompson for Congress
Twitter: @Thompson4D2

Dr. Thompson Statement on Rep. Dan Boren’s Vote To Kill Economic Recovery

(Hulbert, OK) 30 September 2010 – Oklahoma U.S. Congressional District 2 Republican candidate, Dr. Charles Thompson, offered a scathing criticism of current representative Dan Boren’s vote in the House yesterday to adjourn the U.S. House of Representatives without considering extending tax cuts that are already in place but are due to expire: “This is just one more example, in what seems to be an endless supply of examples, of Boren’s voting against the will of the people and voting with the will of Nancy Pelosi”.

Yesterday afternoon’s vote was the result of a motion by House Democrats to adjourn before consideration of extending “Bush-era tax cuts”. The final Roll Call on the motion to adjourn was 210 to 209 with the 210 being in favor of adjournment without tax-cut discussion. “I agree whole-heartedly with House Minority Leader John Boehner’s statement ‘that a vote to adjourn is a vote to raise taxes’ and I’ll take it several steps further. To leave Washington without dealing with some of the tough economic issues facing America right now is beyond dereliction of duty, it is absolute cowardice.” Thompson went on to say; “Boren’s vote, yes his single vote as evidenced by the 210 to 209 passage, paves the way for the largest tax increase on hard working Americans…hard working Oklahomans…in the history of the United States. Dan Boren’s vote negatively impacted an entire nation.”

Boren, who often refers to himself and is touted in the media as a “Blue-Dog”, likes to “talk the Conservative talk” while speaking with constituents in Eastern Oklahoma but has a proven track record of voting with the Nancy Pelosi agenda to the tune of 90% of the time. Thompson stated: “If Boren had voted based on his rhetoric, the possibility of extending badly needed tax cuts would be alive and well right now. Instead, due to his reckless and inexcusable action yesterday, he has killed the likelihood of pro-business, pro-jobs, pro-economic freedom, and less government legislation”.

The affect of letting the current tax cuts expire in the middle of harsh economic conditions, with the threat of harder times ahead based on the current administration’s own analysts, was addressed by Mr. Thompson: “Mr. Boren and I differ philosophically. He believes in redistribution of wealth and government superiority. I believe in less government interventions and the principles of the free-market. He votes for big government…I abhor big government. He believes in misleading the good people of Eastern Oklahoma…I believe in serving the citizens, my neighbors, here in District 2. Dan Boren exhibits the traits of so many in Washington, the traits of a Ruling-Class…I’m just a citizen, not a career politician, who wants my country back.”

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Thursday, April 1, 2010

This is How We Win

While I am not a fan of Woodrow Wilson, he occasionally said things that made sense. For instance, regarding the Framers of the Constitution, he said they were “a strong and intelligent class possessed of unity and informed by a conscious solidarity of interests.”

I am convinced that our Founding Fathers would be proud of us today. We, the dedicated Constitutionalists, are strong, intelligent and informed. Furthermore, we possess unity and solidarity of interests. We who believe in full restoration of the Constitution are on the right track.

For a moment let’s back up so we can see the forest rather than just a few trees. While there are many answers to the question, “How did we get here?” there is one answer that appears to have been overlooked or at least not discussed regularly. That is our educational system.

I started my public education in 1969 as a first grader at Pershing Elementary in Muskogee, Oklahoma. By the time I had graduated high school in 1981 the sum total of my Constitutional education was memorizing the preamble. Not once did we ‘crack the books’ on the Federalist Papers or Thomas Paine’s Common Sense and the Rights of Man. Again, learning the preamble was the extent of my Constitutional education.

George Washington said, “A primary object…should be the education of our youth in the science of government. In a republic, what species of knowledge can be equally important: And what duty more pressing…than communicating it to those who are to be the future guardians of the liberties of the country?”

Notice there is no implication from General Washington that our government has the responsibility or authority to educate our children. Currently the Education Department has about 5,000 employees with a budget of roughly $70,000,000,000. Since its inception under the Carter Administration in 1979 we have spent roughly $2,030,000,000,000!

Allow me to ‘think out loud’ for a moment. Do we really need to spend $2 Trillion dollars to educate out children? Do we really need 5,000 employees to tell us how and what to teach our children? Are we so incredibly stupid that we need the likes of ‘homosexual activist’ Kevin Jennings to help us in educating our youth? Are we aware that there are proposals being tossed around to start our children’s education at the age of 2? Are we aware of the Protecting Children in the 21st Century Act of 2008 and its requirement that schools teach children about cell phone usage even outside of school? At what point do parents say enough is enough? At what point do we take responsibility for ourselves and our children and say “I’ll teach that to my kid.”?

Having been a school board member for some time now, I can tell you it is the school board that is supposed to set policy for the school. I can also tell you that the school board’s hands are tied. The policies are mandated by the state and federal governments. Oh sure, we can set a policy that says something like, “Students shall not participate in an out of state trip without approval by the school board.” But, we cannot set policy on what our kids are taught. If the state declares that we teach “My Two Dads” then that is what will be taught!

Now, let’s go back to restoring our Constitution. Those of us reading this today will not live long enough to see full restoration. Therefore, it is imperative that we teach our children, just as President Washington advised, in the science of government. Before you say, “but we do” take a look at what our current system has done for us.

If we are going to truly restore our Constitution and our Representative Republic we must educate and inspire our children to continue that mission after we are gone. The Constitution and our liberties were not lost overnight and they will not be regained overnight. Since our children and grandchildren will finish the job they must be trained so that once restored, the Constitution and its inherent liberty will be maintained.

These are exciting times. In our lifetimes we will see much life breathed back into the Constitution. We must inspire our children so that they choose to carry the torch of liberty rather than drift complacently into socialism. These are exciting times. In the years ahead we will see liberty flourish just as our Founding Fathers intended. We must get our children excited about the future…excited about carrying the torch of liberty. This is the way we win!

To learn more, volunteer or make an investment visit my website at

Thursday, January 14, 2010

10 Questions – 10 Minutes

The Constitution, in Article 1, Section 2 (later amended by the 14th) is not necessarily chock full with directions for the census but it is not without enough clarity either. In short, the Constitution says that every 10 years we should have a headcount...nothing more, nothing less. It does not instruct us to determine anything other than how many people live in the land.

So, take a look at the 10 questions that will be asked on the census this year. Here is the link. Then ask yourself, “Is this in keeping with the Constitution and what our Founding Fathers had in mind?”

I will answer question 1 only. I hope you will join me.

As your Representative to Congress, I will stand firm against anything that is not consistent with the Constitution.

To learn more, volunteer or make an investment visit my website at

Media Inquiries should be addressed to Director of Public Relations at or P.O. Box 532, Hulbert, OK 74441